Interspersing Promo Posts

Next Chapter is always taking new paths to promotion and marketing.  And as an NC author, I’m all in!


They have a new promotional tool: themed months focusing on one marketplace.  Barnes & Noble is the first choice.  As one of the largest online book retailers around, it holds a sizeable e-book market share in the US with their own Nook eReader . . . and a dedicated Nook app for smartphones.

Next Chapter’s launching a new array of BookBub Ads campaigns dedicated to driving traffic to Next Chapter’s book pages in said Barnes & Noble store. The most important goals of these themed monthly promotions: catch attention, build momentum, and drive more traffic to authors’ book pages through marketing campaigns and posts in social media.


I confess!  I’m so not good with social media.  It’s more of a time thingy than anything, but working 12+ hours a day, seven days a week, tends to detract from other [fun] things.  😉

But I can intersperse “promotional” posts here and there, like this one.  I’m excited to share that currently, you can find the first three sleuthing adventures of my inexperienced but enthusiastic private eyes in Triple Threat Mysteries Books 1-3 at B&N.

The craziness at Aunt Mat’s haunted Connecticut mansion, where bodies drop faster than leaves during a blustery autumn day, encourage JJ, Rey, and Linda to become professional P.I.s  They move to Hawaii and set up shop!  The first two official [paying] cases prove challenging, but they determine to give it their all.  Perhaps they’re newbies, and their methods aren’t exactly conventional, but they get results . . . eventually.  😉

Curious?  Please check it out at:

If you have a chance to read one of the trio’s twisty tales—they travel a lot of winding trails as they endeavor to sort clues and circumvent a sundry of red herrings and scheming/suspicious suspects—they (and I) would be most grateful if you’d provide/leave a review.

Hope to catch you again next week.

A Cartwheel of Joy

One is all I can manage, but it’s a grand cartwheel, it is.  😉

1satpromoThe Triple Threat Mysteries Collection has been selected for an upcoming seasonal promotion in one of Next Chapter’s wide distribution marketplaces.

It runs as part of the “Spooky Stories Promotion at Rakuten Kobo”.

The promotion runs from October 18th through October 24th and the promotion price is $3.99.

Just thought I’d share.

Thank you, Next Chapter and Rakuten Kobo!

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